GAFCON Australia Logo

About Us

‘GAFCON’ stands for Global Anglican Future Conference.

Gafcon Australia is part of a global family of Anglicans standing together to retain and restore the Bible to the heart of Anglican Churches

A worldwide movement of anglicans

To promote reform of the Anglican Church by the Biblical Gospel.


GAFCON Australia is part of a worldwide movement of Anglicans promoting reform of the Anglican church by the biblical gospel, and providing fellowship for those committed to it.

Our aims:

  1. To promote a positive and vibrant orthodoxy within our denomination in line with the Jerusalem Declaration and the Fundamental Declarations and Ruling Principles of the Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia.We will do this through conferences, discussion papers, seminars, hosting international guests, through our website and social media.

  2. To provide recognition, fellowship and assistance to those who have disaffiliated from their diocese because of the unorthodox actions of others.We will recognise those who confess the Jerusalem Declaration as authentically Anglican, putting us in fellowship with many Anglicans who are currently out of communion with official “instruments of communion”. We will stand in support of churches and individuals who take a stand against false teaching and error in their diocese.


The GAFCON journey began in 2008 when moral compromise, doctrinal error and the collapse of biblical witness in parts of the Anglican communion had reached such a level that the leaders of the majority of the world’s Anglicans felt it was necessary to take a united stand for truth.

A crowd of more than one thousand witnesses, including Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, clergy and lay leaders gathered in Jerusalem for the first Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON).

Board of Directors:

Our current directors of GAFCON Australia.

Rector, Dalkeith Anglican Church, Western Australia (Chair)
The Revd Peter Smith
Registrar, Central Queensland (Deputy Chair)
The Revd Jennifer Hercott
Bishop of Tasmania
The Rt Revd Dr Richard Condie
Former Archbishop of Sydney
The Most Revd Dr Glenn Davies
Dr Laurie Scandrett
Rector, St Peter’s Nightcliff, Northern Territory
The Revd Joshua Kuswadi
Malcolm Photo (2)
Bishop for International Relations, Diocese of Sydney
Bishop Malcolm Richards
Assistant Minister, St Barnabas Croydon, South Australia
Mrs Kate Hamer
Associate Minister, St Barts Norwood, South Australia
The Revd Paul Hunt
Women’s Minister, Holy Trinity, Doncaster VIC
Mrs Fiona McLean
Senior Pastor at Northern Hope Anglican Church
The Revd Trevor Saggers

Staff Team:

Executive Officer

The Revd
Michael Kellahan

Development Officer

Tim Woodall

We're part of a movement of global Anglicans

We helped to establish the Diocese of the Southern Cross