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Commitment 2020

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Dear Supporters of Gafcon Australia,

Attached you will find a copy of a Commitment made by the Board of Gafcon Australia to our supporters. It outlines how we will support and encourage you in light of recent developments in the Anglican Church of Australia (ACA).

Our situation here in Australia is unique in the Anglican Communion, in that the recent majority Opinion of the Appellate Tribunal in the Wangaratta and Newcastle matters raises the possibility of the blessing of same-sex marriages in the ACA, without the General Synod having made a decision to do so. This situation has arisen because of the actions of some Dioceses, and then the subsequent Opinion of the Tribunal.

The proper place for determining the doctrine and practice of the church is the General Synod. Mandates have now been issued for that meeting in May / June 2021, and it is anticipated that decisions will be made there about the doctrine and practice of the church in relation to same-sex marriage.

Until General Synod meets, we want to encourage Gafcon supporters to persevere and avoid reactive decisions, so that the General Synod can do its work. There are a number of possible outcomes from General Synod that might be explored to help us navigate the future.

In light of all this, I want to encourage you to pray for the renewal and reform of the Anglican Church of Australia, that it might stay true to “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude v3). Please pray that our General Synod representatives will contend for this faith, and that the crisis in our church will be averted. Please pray that all the Dioceses of the Anglican Church of Australia will remain faithful to our Lord by gladly holding to his teaching.

If Gafcon Australia can be of assistance to you in thinking how to respond to matters locally, please make contact with us via email.

Commitment 2020

Richard Condie
Chair, Gafcon Australia.