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It’s time
The timing of the Gafcon Australasia Conference in 2022 is providential. We are no longer locked down and unable to travel. Instead we shall gather face to face. Over 350
GAFCON Australia National Conference 2022
Heads up: tickets for the 2022 Gafcon Australasia Canberra Conference are now selling fast. Connect with Anglicans from across Australia and New Zealand, the South
Recent Statement from the Board
The Board of Gafcon Australia expresses its grief and sadness that Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has decided to leave the Church of England to join the
Anglican Church in Wales to bless same-sex marriages
Gafcon Australia notes with sadness that the Anglican Church in Wales has now voted to bless same-sex marriages. This is inconsistent with the teaching of
A statement from the board of Gafcon Australia
The Board of Gafcon Australia expresses deep dismay that Archbishop Philip Freier has written in a letter to clergy that parishes leaving revisionist Dioceses may be seen as
Statement about Wangaratta
The Board of Gafcon Australia notes with regret that a blessing of a civil marriage of two men has taken place in the Diocese of