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It’s time

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The timing of the Gafcon Australasia Conference in 2022 is providential. 

We are no longer locked down and unable to travel. Instead we shall gather face to face. Over 350 delegates are coming from all over Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and PNG. Gafcon is a global movement and this will be a significant regional gathering. 

The 2022 General Synod revealed the fractured state of the Anglican Church of Australia.  Twelve bishops failed to affirm a Statement on Marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Some dioceses are now taking steps to bless same-sex marriages.

Since General Synod, we have been contacted by growing numbers of laity and clergy who have decided to leave the Anglican Church of Australia because they are no longer able to accept the oversight of their diocesan bishop.

The Lambeth Conference demonstrated that the same doctrine dividing the AustralianChurch is wreaking the same harm throughout the Communion. The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches attempted to reaffirm Resolution I.10 which was adopted at Lambeth 1998. Progressive bishops insisted that they be free to disagree on the ordination of LGBT clergy and solemnisation of same-sex marriages.  There is concern that the Archbishop of Canterbury’s failure to take a clear position on the exclusivity of Jesus’ definition of marriage has legitimised  the position of those who believe that same-sex marriages can be holy unions, consistent with faithful discipleship.

Faithful, orthodox Anglicans in Australia need to wrestle with whether they can continue with confidence as members of the Anglican Church in Australia in their diocese. As we meet in Canberra, some have already decided to leave their diocese and join the Diocese of the Southern Cross, just as those in New Zealand who decided to join the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa/New Zealand. Others are recommitting to the reform and renewal of faithful ministry in the Anglican Church of Australia. 

The theme of our Conference is ‘Proclaiming Christ Faithfully’. This is the holy calling of the church. We long to see Christ honoured throughout his world. This theme is a call for repentance and a return to see the beauty of the gospel of grace to us sinners. The time is right for us to hear that afresh in light of the challenges before us.