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Recent Statement from the Board

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The Board of Gafcon Australia expresses its grief and sadness that Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali has decided to leave the Church of England to join the Roman Catholic Church in the “Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham”. Bishop Michael has until now been a great advocate for reformed Anglican faith and a key leader in Gafcon’s global movement.

We are confused about how Bishop Michael has come to the decision he has made. We continue to believe that the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church is in error in several key respects which makes Bishop Michael’s decision one which we cannot understand or endorse. 

Gafcon Australia remains committed to the historic Anglican faith, which we believe to be both catholic and reformed. We are committed to the Anglican Formularies as outlined in the Jerusalem Declaration that clearly show the Reformation distinctives of Anglicanism.

We are committed to promoting the orthodox Anglican Faith and standing with those who are marginalised by the unorthodox actions of others.