GAFCON Australia Logo


The Brisbane Collects

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The 2024 Gafcon Australasia Conference concluded today with the launch of not one, but three, Brisbane Collects.  The prayers were drafted this week with input and responses from all delegates.  Together, The Brisbane Collects address our Lord, petition our Lord and express trust in our Lord who will answer these requests according to his will.


Almighty God, Creator of all things, We thank you for making us in your image and giving us life. Though we have sinned, you loved us and sent your Son, Jesus, who lived the life we could not live and died the death that we deserve. We come to you in humble dependence, thankful for the glorious gospel of the risen Lord Jesus, through whom we are forgiven, saved and called to serve you forever. To you be all glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Gracious God, we thank you for all faithful Anglicans. Enable us to stand firm for we are not ashamed of the gospel. Help us to encourage one another and support those facing opposition and exclusion for the sake of Christ. We grieve that there are false shepherds in your church who are teaching another gospel and pray that they would repent. We long for Jesus to be at the heart of every Anglican Church, and for all to trust the authority of the Bible. Raise up godly shepherds to lead your people in truth and love. We thank you for Gafcon and the unity we have in Christ. Strengthen our gospel partnership. Protect us from Satan, sin, self-centredness and secularism. By your Spirit, help us maintain our unity in the bond of peace. Hear our prayer for the sake of your holy name. Amen.


Our heavenly Father, we thank you for the promise of your Son to build his church. Empower us by your Holy Spirit so we may boldly proclaim and live out the gospel with courage, clarity and compassion. Raise up future leaders in our churches to equip your people to be disciples of Christ in our families, workplaces and communities. In your mercy, use us to draw people of all ages to respond to the good news in faith and obedience, so that future generations will know and trust you. We pray this in the name of our Saviour Jesus. Amen.